The Uganda; the birders paradise is to host its Uganda birding photo exhibition at Sheraton Hotel Kampala starting on the 15th November 2019 – 14th January 2019.
Uganda is a beautiful country that must be on any birders bucket list countries to visit.
Uganda has over 1079 confirmed bird species and is known as Africa’s premier birding destination.
Thousands of tourists have come to Uganda for a Uganda birding safari/ Uganda birding safaris and have enjoyed birding in Uganda. Many of these birds have unique habitats where they can be found however a big number of them live tropical forests with rare sightings being described as “mythical” while some of the birds live in the remote forests of Uganda and some may not even be classified as of yet! Here is a list of the top 10 birds to see in Uganda on your Uganda safari/ Tour in Uganda.
Top 10 Birds to See in Uganda
Shoebill stork
A Shoebill is an endemic species in Africa and birders from around the globe.
Many tourists safari Uganda to catch a rare glimpse of this clumsy giant.
For a long time here in Uganda, this shoebill bird was not protected and its eggs were frequently stolen from nests by people until the Uganda Bird Guide Club’s efforts succeeded in making it illegal to trap these birds and steal their eggs.
Green-breasted Pitta
The Green-breasted Pitta is a very small bird, common in central African countries but difficult to find.
It secretly lives, in the lowland tropical forests. It is by chance that you can sight one and photographing one is a bird lovers dream.
African Green Broad-bill
This bird has bright colored bird, eye catching and can only be seen in two places in the world.
Birders on birding safari in Uganda can only spot it in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable forest and The Itombwe Mountains in the Democratic Republic of Congo if you are on a Congo safari.
The species is declining due to loss of its habitat from forest clearing and degradation.
Great Blue Turaco
The Great Blue Turaco as well is one of the of the largest and most beautiful birds in Uganda.
These birds are actively hunted for their meat and feathers are highly sought-after commodities since they are used to make beautiful art pieces.
Shelley’s Crimson wing
This Shelley’s Crimson wing is undoubtedly one of the world’s rarest birds normally found on most of the bird lists.
These birds live in the Albertine Rift along the borders of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. People that have gone to the field in search for it find it rear to spot it.
Photos of these beauties in the wild are almost non-existent since they can be spotted easily.
Standard-winged Nightjar
The Standard-winged Nightjar is an attractive bird, characterized by central flight feathers that appear during breeding season on the males.
It is a dream come true for tourists to see these birds during this short time span when their feathers can stretch up to 38cm in length.
Short-tailed Warbler
The Short-tailed Warbler can also be spotted in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. In Uganda, these camouflaged species can be found in some of Uganda’s forests.
Doherty’s Bush shrike
Found in the subtropical montane forests and moist shrub-lands of central Africa these brightly-colored birds are one of the more common birds seen in Uganda and thankfully, their population levels seem to be stable for the most part.
Bar-tailed Trogon
This beautiful fair-sized bird lives in high altitude forests and has a large range throughout central and southern Africa although it is rarely seen. Tourists that come to Uganda are always chanced to see this bird here.
Black-breasted Barbet
The giant Black-breasted Barbet has been seen by very few individuals and is highly sought after by bird watchers. Unfortunately, the Black-breasted Barbet tends to live in areas of conflict and so it is rarely seen by tourists.
But if you safari in Uganda, it is one of the safest regions to possibly catch a glimpse of this magnificent bird.
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